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ChildLine Virtual Vacation Camp
This year ChildLine is offering children and teens a whole new camp experience! This initiative will allow campers to sharpen or learn new social skills through fun, games, and activity-filled sessions. Children and teens would be able to interact virtually with others while engaging in activities that contribute to their personal growth. Prizes can be won on each day. ChildLine is excited to take you on this journey!
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Week 1: July 19th to 23rd 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Age group: 13yrs to 15yrs)
Week 2: August 9th to 13th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Age group: 6yrs to 12yrs)
Week 3: August 16th– 20th 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Age group: 13yrs to 15yrs)
There is a contribution fee of $100 per child and we are only able to accept a maximum of 25 children per camp. Ten (10) children will have the opportunity for a fee waiver based on a means test. Once pre-registered, information on the method of payment will be sent to the email address provided.
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What you’ll learn
This virtual camp will allow campers to sharpen or learn new social skills through fun, games, and activity-filled sessions.
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Deadline: August 6th 2021
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