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Domestic Violence

  • 2 min read

What is Domestic Violence? In Trinidad and Tobago ,according to the Domestic Violence Act, 1999 “domestic violence” includes physical, sexual, emotional or psychological or financial abuse committed by a person against a spouse, child, any other person who is a member of the household, or dependant.   Types of Abuse… 

Emotional Abuse

  • 3 min read

What Is Emotional Abuse? Emotional abuse of a child is commonly defined as any behavior by parents or caregivers that affect a child’s cognitive, emotional, psychological or social development. Emotional abuse of a child is also known as psychological maltreatment.   Ways Emotional Abuse Can be Displayed A parent who… 


  • 2 min read

What is Child Neglect? Neglect is a pattern of failing to provide for a child’s basic needs, to the extent that the child’s well-being is damaged. A child can be neglected in three (3) basic areas – physical, education, and emotional.   Physical Neglect Can be seen in the following… 

Physical Abuse

  • 3 min read

Explanation of Physical Abuse Have you ever gotten punished for doing something wrong? Stealing, cheating or lying- these things usually get us into trouble.  We may get ‘licks,’ get banned from watching television, or even get lines to write.  The punishment we get when we did something wrong is called discipline. … 

Risk of Abuse

  • 2 min read

What makes me more likely to get abused? I DO NOT cause myself to become a victim of abuse.  Abuse occurs in many forms and by many persons.  The person who abuses does not look a certain way, so he/she could be anyone you pass on the street, in your… 

Sexual Abuse

  • 2 min read

What is Sexual Abuse? Sexual abuse is any kind of unwanted sexual contact. It could be that you are being touched in a way that you do not like, you are forced to have sex, you have to watch someone do something sexual, you have to touch another person in… 

Verbal Abuse

  • 3 min read

What is Verbal Abuse? Verbal abuse is when someone uses words to cause harm to feelings of the person they are speaking to. It may take many forms and the harm caused is often difficult to measure. The most popularly used form of verbal abuse is name-calling. Verbal abuse also… 

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