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Coping with bullying from your siblings

From time to time, siblings will disagree, get into heated debates, argue about whose turn it is to wash the dishes  and even annoyingly tease each other to the brink of tears. Unfortunately, there are moments when the teasing goes too far, and someone’s feelings gets hurt. If you or someone you know is experiencing sibling bullying, here are some things you can do to cope with the situation.

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How to deal with your child coming out

For some parents, learning that your child identifies as a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) community can be difficult, and you may be uncertain about how you can best support them. With that being said, it would be unfair to deny that coming out is also difficult for children and young person.

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Healthy habits to prevent childhood obesity

It’s not typically a good idea to focus on weight loss in young children as their bodies are still developing. They should never be put on a weight loss diet unless it is recommended and guided by a physician. Putting your child on a diet to lose weight may restrict the nutrients they need to allow for healthy growth and development.

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Helping children deal with nightmares

Most nightmares are harmless in the long run and are just an unpleasant part of growing up. Most of their irrational fears will go away over time or they will learn to manage them on their own. However, some nightmares can be a symptom of a greater problem in the child’s life.

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Are video games good for you?

Video games can give us a sense of accomplishment, social interaction, and the ability to immerse ourselves in a whole new world. No matter what though, anything that’s good for you can be unhealthy if done too often or if it prevents you from living a normal life.

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Why is it so hard to control your emotions?

Being a teenager is sometimes difficult, no matter what everyone else says. Your teenage years are a confusing and stressful period where you may feel immense pressure to learn about yourself and figure out your future. You might be experiencing puberty, peer pressure, bullying, rejection, struggling to maintain your grades or even trying to preserve your mental health in general.

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Are you and your parents just too different to get along?

As a child or a teenager, it may sometimes feel like your parents live in a whole different world than yours. Maybe they can’t understand the things you like, your beliefs, why you make the friends that you do, or why you struggle with certain things that they didn’t when they were your age. In addition to personality differences, this is often because of a generational gap between a parent and their child.

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Why cramming for your test doesn’t work

Whether or not we are aware of it, we often avoid completing an important task or assignment because we are worried that it will be too difficult for us. We may put off that big assignment because we are worried that creativity and focus will not come easily, or that it may end up being too much for us to handle. Therefore, in trying to save ourselves from the stress and potential ‘failure’ of starting now, we wait until a later time when the urgency outweighs the fear.

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Is it healthy for your child to have an imaginary friend?

Many parents worry that their child’s imaginary friend is an unhealthy coping mechanism, ungrounded in reality, that will affect them negatively for the rest of their life. However, most children are or will be aware that their imaginary friend is not real.

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Most teen suicides are preventable

No teen is immune to mental health struggles or other issues that can act as driving factors towards a suicide attempt. As a parent, even if you believe that you know everything about your child and what they go through daily, it isn’t usually obvious that they’re in pain or desperately in need of support.

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How to stop being your own bully

What is your inner voice like? Does it judge you even when others don’t? Does it criticize everything you do? Does it tell you you’re not good enough? Does it try to convince you that other people secretly don’t like you? Though it seems like it isn’t a big deal, some of the most powerful words are the words we say to ourselves.

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Why you should teach your son to be more “sensitive”

Does your child cry often and/or have difficulty moving past their emotions? Do they frequently get overwhelmed? Do they often struggle with trying not to cry when criticized or scolded? If the answer is yes for most or all of these, your child may be emotionally sensitive.

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